A Quick Look at MCS® 151/251 Microcontroller Page Mode
One of the innovative new features of the MCS® 151 and MCS® 251 microcontrollers is page mode.
Page mode increases performance by up to 2X by reducing the time for external code fetches.
Under page mode configuration, the data base (D7:0) is multiplexed with a higher address byte (A15:8)
on port 2 instead of being multiplexed with a lower address byte (A7:0) on port 0. With this configuration,
the controller is able to fetch an instruction from external memory in two clocks instead of four. The
MCS 151 and MCS 251 microcontrollers default to non-page mode for pin compatibility with the MCS® 51
microcontroller. To enable page mode, users have to configure or program the "page" bit in the
Uconfig0 configuration byte to zero. Page mode does not affect internal code fetches.
The first code fetch to a 256-byte "page" of memory always uses a four-clock bus cycle. Subsequent
successive code fetches to the same page (page hits) require only a two-clock bus cycle. When a subsequent
fetch is to a different page (a page miss), it again requires a four-clock bus cycle.
The page-miss cycle is the same as a code fetch cycle in non-page mode. For the page-hit cycle, the upper
eight address bits are the same as for the preceding cycle. However, a page hit reduces the available
address access time by two clocks. Therefore, faster memories may be required to support page mode.
8XC251SA/SB/SP/SQ High-Performance CHMOS Microcontroller
(datasheet .pdf 583,726 bytes)
8XC251SA, 8XC251SB, 8XC251SP, 8XC251SQ Embedded Microcontroller User's Manual
(manual .pdf 3,118,443 bytes)