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Steps to Building the System

Before You Start Building

    Steps 1-5
  1. Your Computer Case
  2. If Necessary, Install the Power Supply
  3. Ground Yourself
  4. Install the Exhaust Fan
  5. Your Basic Startup System

  6. Steps 6-10
  7. Remove Blocking Plates
  8. Get Familiar with Your Drive Cable Connectors
  9. Install the Drives
  10. Motherboard, Case, and Processor Module
  11. Motherboards With and Without Hinksink Support

  12. Steps 11-15
  13. Installing the Heatsink Support Assembly
  14. Remove the Heatsink Support Clip
  15. Verify Motherboard Jumper Settings
  16. Prepare the Punchout Access Ports
  17. Preparing to Install the Motherboard in the Case

  18. Steps 16-20
  19. Check Alignment of the Motherboard with Standoffs
  20. Install Motherboard on Standoffs and Tighten Screws
  21. Installing Memory on the Motherboard
    18 Cont. Inserting the DIMM Stick in the Motherboard
  22. Install the AGP Graphics Card
  23. Connect and Route Power Cables

  24. Steps 21-25
  25. Install the Remaining Power Cables
  26. Install the Primary and Seconday IDE Cables
  27. Install Floppy Drive Cable
  28. Install Tiewraps on All the Cables
  29. Clear the Airflow by Rerouting Cables

  30. Steps 26-30
  31. Processor Installation
  32. Place the Heatsink Clip in the Heatsink Fins
  33. Install the Fan Power Cable
  34. Slide the Processor Module into the Guides
  35. Firmly Seat the Processor Module

  36. Steps 31-35
  37. Lock the Processor Module
  38. Install the Heatsink Support Clip
  39. Check the Processor Module Installation
  40. Install Feet on Enclosure
  41. Install the Keyboard and Mouse Cables

  42. Steps 36-40
  43. Install the Monitor Cable
  44. Verify the 115/250 Setting
  45. Install the Line Power Cable
  46. Start Your System
  47. Load the Operating System

  48. Steps 41-43
  49. Install Additional Cards and Devices
    41. Cont. ISA and PCI Card Options
    41. Cont. Two Modems
    41. Cont. AGP and PCI Video
  50. Secure the Cards
  51. Periodically Check on Driver Updates
    43. Cont. Notes
    43. Cont. Final Walk-Through

Year 2000 Information
Image Description

Step 41. Install Additional Cards and Devices

When the system is operating properly, turn it off, unplug the line power cord, and install the next internal add-on card. When the card is installed properly and secured with a mounting screw, plug the system back into the wall socket and turn it back on.

After installing any necessary drivers ( card manual or card manufacturer's website for details), you should have complete functionality. Check and verify this before you proceed.

Repeat this procedure until all of your add-in cards or devices are installed and working properly. If you are upgrading from an old system, you may find that you have more ISA cards than you have ISA slots in your new AMD Athlon processor-based system. This is because ISA cards are nearing the end of their technologically useful life. The next section illustrates some superior PCI replacements for many older ISA cards, so that you can continue to have the same (or superior) functionality in you new AMD Athlon processor-powered system.


ISA and PCI Card Options

When you upgrade from an older system, you may find that all your old ISA cards won't fit in your new AMD Athlon processor-based system.

Photo 52 shows network cards (top), sound cards (middle), and SCSI cards (bottom). The ISA is on the left and the superior PCI card is on the right. In every case, the PCI card has added functionality. Where the ISA network card is 10BaseT, the PCI card is 10/100BaseT, for ten times the maximum throughput.

The PCI soundcard typically adds 3D wavetable sound positioning and the latest PCI SCSI cards are UltraSCSI for fast throughput.

Photo 52. ISA and PCI Card Options


Two Modems

Modems are typically not available in PCI format. This is because modems use a low-speed 8-bit communication protocol and cannot gain from the additional speed that is possible in a 32-bit PCI slot.

Photo 53 shows two typical modem designs. The modem on the top uses the full 16-bit ISA slot. The modem on the bottom uses only the 8-bit portion of the ISA slot. Either of these modems will work in your new AMD Athlon processor-powered systems.

Photo 53. Two Modems


AGP and PCI Video

Both of the cards shown in Photo 54 will also work in your AMD Athlon processor-powered system. However, the performance and technology in the new AGP (advanced graphics port) graphics card better complements the performance of the AMD Athlon processor.

Because the AGP port is 64-bits wide and runs at 66 MHz (2X AGP), you have the potential for four times the bandwidth--four times the performance--compared to a 32-bit 33 MHz PCI board. You will also notice that there is a fan on the AGP card. That is because the graphics processor on the AGP card runs at a much faster speed (and therefore develops more heat) than the graphics processor on the PCI graphics card.

Bottom line--only install an AGP graphics card in your new AMD Athlon processor-powered system to get the enhanced performance benefits from the technology designed into your new processor and motherboard.

Photo 54. AGP and PCI Video


Step 42. Secure the Cards

When you finish installing all of your cards and devices, install and tighten down the screws in the blocking plates. In Photo 55, the screw in the last blocking plate is being tightened.

Notice that there is an open slot next to the AGP card. Modern AGP cards have as much memory and processing power as desktop computers of a few years ago. They need room for proper airflow to keep components running cool and reliably.

There is also an empty slot next to the sound card, because the sound card is also a very significant source of heat.
Before this system is run, the sound cable should be tiewrapped to the top of the exhaust cooling fan to remove it from the airflow path

Photo 55. Cards Installed


Step 43. Periodically Check on Driver Updates

Your system should now be fully configured and running properly. You should periodically check both the AMD website at www1.amd.com/athlon/config and the websites of the manufacturers of your critical components to see if any updated drivers have been released.



Keep notes on trouble issues and problems you come across, as well as the results and fixes. It is easy to keep track of the technicians' names and telephone numbers as well as the resolutions to the problem in a little notebook.


Final Walk-Through

Give your system one last inspection before you put the case covers back on and start installing all your applications and data.

Photo 56. A Completed System


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